St. Anthony and St. Paul
After his parents’ repose, St. Anthony became a hermit in a desert near the Red Sea. In his entire monastic life, he only went only twice to Alexandria: once to give encouragement to martyrs, seeking martyrdom himself, and the second time to refute the Arian heresy. At age 90, a vision was sent to him to seek out St. Paul the first hermit.
After his parents’ demise, St. Paul had a dispute with his brother regarding their share in the inheritance and sought the courts in order to settle this matter. On his way to court, he saw a rich dead man being carried to his grave, taking no possessions with him. St. Paul took this as a lesson for himself; thus, he gave left his inheritance to his brother and fled to the desert – there living for 90 years not seeing anyone until St. Anthony’s visit. During their visit with each other, God appointed a raven with a whole loaf of bread rather than the usual half a loaf that St. Paul used to receive.
“Let us honor our sacred pair of enlighteners, who, by founding the monastic rites, have poured forth for us a well-spring of spiritual knowledge from which we draw abundantly even unto this day: We call you, blessed, O Anthony and Paul, ye that stand before the throne of the Most High and intercede fervently for our souls” (a hymn on their behalf).
This icon reflects the aforementioned visit. St. Paul is depicted wearing a cloak of palm leaves stitched together while St. Anthony, in a monk’s habit. In the background, there is a gravesite wherein St. Anthony laid St. Paul.