Bible Trivia 2 in 1
Enjoy Bible trivia? Here’s a collection of more than 800 questions with a twist ... Bible Trivia 2-in-1: Match 'Em and Connect-the-Thoughts-More Than 800 Mind-Stretching Questions!
You’re not just answering questions, you’re using both your memory and your skills of deduction! Bible Trivia 2-in-1 features two kinds of challenges—matching and “connect the thoughts” style questions. For matching questions, you’ll be given a “match word” identifying a person, place, thing, or idea, and then a “match group” of three possibilities—though they’re all believable, only one is true! “Connect the thoughts” questions provide three seemingly unrelated terms, and you’ll need to provide the common idea that links them.
Enjoy Bible trivia? This book will provide you hours of good, wholesome fun.