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Church Fathers

Pastoral Messages Series - The Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ
Pachomian Koinonia - Volume 3
On the Human Condition
On the Holy Spirit
St. Macarius the Spiritbearer
Severus of Antioch
Palladius: Dialogue on the Life of St. John Chrysostom
Pachomian Koinonia - Volume 2
Pachomian Koinonia - Volume 1
Letters of St. Jerome, Vol. 1
Hymns on Paradise
Day by Day with the Early Church Fathers
On The Incarnation For Teens
The History of the Coptic Church After Chalcedon
The Council of Chalcedon Re-Examined
For She Loved Much
Redemption and the Renewal of the Image - الفداء و تجديد الصورة
On the Soul and Resurrection
On The Apostolic Tradition
On the Apostolic Preaching
Let Us Keep the Feast - تعالوا نحفظ العيد
In Praise of Saint Paul
Through The Year With the Church Fathers
Theophilus of Alexandria
Theodoret of Cyrus
The World of the Desert Fathers
The Life of Shenoute
The Holy Fire
The Forgotten Desert Mothers
The Didache
The Desert A City
Symeon the New Theologian
St. Irenaeus of Lyons: Against the Heresies
St. Augustine - Faith, Hope & Charity
Saint Gregory of Nazianzus
Saint Gregory Nazianzen - Selected Poems
Paphnutius Histories of the Monks of Upper Egypt
Origen: Prayer, Exhortation to Martyrdom
On Wealth and Poverty
On the Holy Icons
On Social Justice
On Living Simply
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Mena of Nikiou
The Word in the Desert
The Wisdom of Saint Isaac the Syrian
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The Epistles of St. Clement of Rome and St. Ignatius of Antioch
The Cult of the Saints
St. Gregory the Great, Pastoral Care
St. Gregory of Nyssa: The Lord's Prayer, The Beatitudes
St. Augustine: The First Catechetical Instruction
St. Augustine: Against the Academics

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