St. Demiana and The Forty Virgins
She was born from Christian parents who was raised in Christian upbringing. She asked her father to build her a house where she and her friends could devote their lives to God, and he consented building a large palace for her. Her friends kept growing in number until they reached forty.
Emperor Diocletian enticed her father Marcos, who was a governor in his province, to worship the idols in recompense of worldly possessions. At first, Marcos resisted, then he conceded and worshiped the Emperor’s idols. When his daughter heard of these news, she prayed in one accord with her friends for the conversion of her father.
She went to her father and admonished and reminded him of the Savior’s words: “Do not fear those who kill the body for the spirit they cannot touch, but fear he who could kill he spirit and the body in hell” (Mt. ) and “He who denies me before people, I will deny before My Father’s angels” (Mt.) After hearing these words, he repented and confessed to the Emperor and thus was martyred.
After learning that St. Demiana was the cause of her father’s conversion, the Emperor ordered her arrest along with her friends. After several useless attempts to avert her faith, he finally ordered her execution with the forty virgins. Thus, they all received the crown of martyrdom in one day.
Icon Size Details:
Small: 3.75” x 5” inches
Medium: 7.75” x 10.5” inches