So You Want to Learn Coptic?
Many Copts can read and pronounce Coptic words and letters; unfortunately, thats as far as most get. This is understandable, as the amount of resources couldnt exactly be described as overwhelming. So, you want to learn Coptic hopes to fill that gap. Its especially designed for those who have forgotten their English Grammar, and re teaches it as painlessly as possible. The book is hard bound, 324 pages, includes a glossary and verb tables, and exercises and examples all the way through (with answers at the back). If you want to learn Coptic, you may find that this may well be the book the you've been looking for.
The paperback version has corrected known typographical errors. A Bohairic grammar book specifically designed for the nonlinguist, designed to get you understanding Coptic texts from the very beginning without getting bogged down in the grammar. * Pronunciation rules * Grammar explained and made easy * 800 word glossary * Verb tense tables * Examples and exercises from hymns, liturgies, the Bible, Coptic martyrologies and homilies Coptic was the last phase in the development of Hieroglyphics, and the language of the first Christians of Egypt. Most scholarly attention has been directed towards the Sahidic dialect, leaving Bohairic as a much maligned second cousin. This is in spite of that fact that Bohairic remains the liturgical language of the Coptic Orthodox Church, and is the only Coptic dialect which is used in any real sense at all. While there are many excellent grammar books catering for Sahidic lovers, the options for Bohairic couldn't exactly be described as 'overwhelming'. This book aims to cater for those interested in learning Bohairic, especially for those without a formal introduction to linguistics. With a fresh and lively approach, it will be of great value to those who wish to approach the rich corpus of Bohairic texts and to develop a deeper understanding of the rituals and theology of the Coptic Orthodox Church.