Forgiveness: I Just Can't Forgive Myself
Sally, a Christian, laments having an abortion years ago. ?I know the Lord has forgiven me, but I just can't forgive myself.? What would you say to her?
Maybe you yourself have struggled with ?self-forgiveness? and wonder how to deal with feelings of guilt. Why is self-forgiveness such an attractive notion? What, if anything, does the Bible say about it?
Robert D. Jones identifies five possible assumptions behind the longing for self-forgiveness. In the process, he pinpoints a deeper problem-and a deeper solution to ongoing guilt. By dispelling a number of misconceptions, Jones clears the path to a joyful realization of complete forgiveness in Christ.
There are more other helpful booklets in the Resources for Changing Lives series:
* Anger: Escaping the Maze
* Angry at God?: Bring Him Your Doubts and Questions
* Depression: The Way Up When You Are Down
* Domestic Abuse: Help for the Sufferer
* Homosexuality: Speaking the Truth in Love
* Pornography: Slaying the Dragon
* Sexual Sin: Combatting the Drifting and Cheating
* Stress: Peace Amid Pressure
* Suffering: Eternity Makes a Difference
* Teens and Sex: How Should We Teach Them?