In Thy Presence
These mediations are written in the form of God speaking to the reader as to His loved and valued child in order to reveal the nature of His love more clearly in its depth, its splendor and its tenderness. Some of them open our minds to the immense energy of Love in the universe. Others reveal the presence of Love in human tribulations and suffering or illuminate the most commonplace actions of daily life. In all of them, tenderness toward each created being touches the real hunger and hope of our lives for a relationship of loving communion with God, for a journey with a transcendent destination.
There are also mediations on the presence of Christ. The actions of our daily lives, which so often threaten to become a meaningless routine, here are considered one by one. Each is brought into the light of a related incident in the life of Christ. Each is considered as if carried out in His immediate presence. What for us has so often become dulled or meaningless is shown as capable of transfiguration, of being potentially the action of an heir of God, of someone who transmits the intention of God to this world.