Your Money Your Marriage
Restoring hope and sanity to overwhelmed couples, Your Money, Your Marriage guides you through a liberating process of mending your hearts and your bank account at the same time. Authors Brian and Cherie Lowe arm their readers with tools and inspiration to get spouses on the same page for finances, fidelity, and future.
God’s vision for your marriage is far more than mediocre, and money and sex are two of the most common tension points. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
In Your Money, Your Marriage, Brian and Cherie Lowe offer straight talk and power principles for getting your finances back on track so you can get back to your romance. Take it from them—the Lowes worked off $127,000 in debt in just four years, and emerged not only financially free but better together.
Join Cherie, personal finance blogger at Queen of Free, and Brian, family law attorney who’s seen it all when it comes to marital money struggles, in this journey to help you and your spouse go from different books to the same page. Through candid and hilarious stories, fresh ideas and practices, and a few winks along the way, Brian and Cherie reveal the secrets to "financial foreplay" able to help every couple thrive together in finance and romance alike.
You’ll learn how to:
· Develop "passionate patience" with each other toward a shared financial goal
· Identify unhealthy financial habits
· Save smart on date nights
· Sort through misaligned expectations as a couple
· Beat the comparison game
· Cultivate a stronger relationship on a budget of zero dollars
Couples share much more than a bank account or even a bedroom—they share a sacred union. Imagine what your marriage could be if you could put cash conflict behind you. Your Money, Your Marriage is an invitation to find out, and to thrive together.
Author Bio
Cherie Lowe is an expert voice on personal finance, writing from her Queen of Free blog. Her work has been featured in RELEVANT, Christianity Today, Focus on the Family’s Thriving Family, and MOPS International’s Hello Dearest. She is also a columnist for the Daily Journal (Franklin, IN) and appears weekly on WTHR (Indianapolis NBC affiliate). She holds a degree in history from Asbury University.
Brian Lowe, a family law attorney for well over a decade, serves clients with compassionate truth and bold wisdom. Guiding families through the difficulties of divorce has given Brian a passion to provide hope to hopeless married couples. For over eight years, Brian has blogged for his wife’s Queen of Free website and his own website King of Free. He holds degrees from Indiana State University and Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis.