Paradise Of the Spirit Vol.1
The condition for Christian discipleship is bearing the cross. Such spiritual understanding leads to life of repentance with its hardships and struggles which the believer ought to live through. His knowledge of God starts by it. Fellowship with Him grows and persists through it. For this reason, many get fed-up with repentance. Some are apprehensive about it and some, once they start, they retreat. Some others go a long distance then stop. The reason for this is the lack of correct understanding of the life with God, hence also of repentance. This is either due to the lack of love and spiritual struggle or due to love of the flesh. As for the beloved of God, they always feel that His commandments are not difficult. Their hearts chant with the psalmist: “earth has nothing I desire besides You”, “It is better for me to cling to the Lord”
The topic of repentance with all its details and sub-topics is the goal of this book. The book addresses such vital and serious issue. This is not through lofty spiritual expressions or grand theoretical words, but with a simple and practical approach that is attainable to everyone. It defines the path describing its landmarks and how to walk through it. This book does not aim to add new information above the old knowledge regarding the life with God. It describes experiencing holy fellowship through which the believer can go from strength to strength and be transformed in the life of the spirit from glory to glory.
This book is also unique in addressing the topic of repentance as it relates to the life of virtue on the basis of Coptic Orthodox spirituality. It is the spirituality by which our saintly fathers lived and became a living example and teachers to the entire world.