The Antiphonarium - Difnar الدفنار
Difnar Part 1 and Part 2 Books - English, Arabic, Coptic
Leather Hardcover
The Antiphonarium is a text which follows the same spirit a the Synaxarium in that is recalls to us, the members of the stuggling Church, the hangiographies (biographies of the saints) of the members of the victorious Church and the triumphs of those who fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. (cf. 2 Timothy 4:7). While the Synaxarium is read after the Acts of the Apostles during the Liturgy of the Catechumens, the Antiphonarium was originally chanted Antiphonetically, meaning "a voice opposite a voice", prior to the Conclusion of the Theotokia during Midnight Praises. Although, sadly, we have lost the tradition of chanting these praises in their entirety, the Church has preserved a portion of the Antiphonarium's rite.