The Kiahk Midnight Praises DVD by Bishop Youannes
The praise of Kiahk on the eve of Sunday is the praise of every eve of Sunday all year, since Sunday is the day of the Resurrection when the church stays awake until daybreak. Eventually, it contacts the dawn of eternity whose sun never leaves because the Lord Jesus, the true Light, the Sun of Righteousness, will be its light. Its called Kiahk Praises (AKA 7 & 4), 7 refers to the (7) EPSALI's and (7) THEOTOKIA's -- The four (4) refers to the Four Odes/Hosses/ Canticles. Ode/Hoss/Canticle, all mean 'Praise'. So, we have 4 praises included in the Holy Psalmody. This is recorded on 4 DVDs.