Tools for Theosis: Becoming God-like in Christ
Tools for Spiritual Warfare Theosis- becoming Christ-like – is a life-long process that requires our personal participation and more importantly, the workings of the Holy Spirit. As St. Paul reminds us, “the spirit is willing but the flesh (fallen man) is weak.” How do we equip ourselves, therefore, for this arduous and ongoing journey of theosis? Fortunately, the Church in all her Wisdom, does not leave us without practical guidance. The author, Fr. Anthony M. Coniaris, has gleaned a variety of timeless tools from countless Orthodox sources, which assist us in our struggle to fully participate in the process of theosis. This book will be of great assistance for those desiring to don the armor and faithfully commit to the rigors of our high calling. It is a “must read” for any Orthodox, and beneficial for both personal use or as a group study.