Becoming a Healing Presence
Dr. Rossi has identified a need that all of us have and that all of us can fill for each other. We can reflect the love and healing presence of Christ Himself in our relationships with others. Learn how by reading this book.
-Steve Arterburn, Founder of Women of Faith and New Life Ministries
Dr. Rossi’s sincere, down-to-earth style makes a profoundly deep topic both personal and accessible. His words, soaked in the Fathers and theologians of Orthodox Christianity, compel the reader to take whatever step is necessary to turn off the iPod of the world in order to hear the Lord, to find wholeness in the soul, and to be Jesus to one’s neighbor.
-Rev. Fr. John Parker, Chair, Department of Evangelization, Orthodox Church in America
Dr. Rossi’s words that “becoming a healing person is within range” encourage me to rededicate myself anew to this primary calling of being a healing presence to others. Rossi offers practical how-to advice for the Christian seeking the Lord through love of others. You too can benefit from this wise man’s years of experience by reading his book.
-Rev. Fr. Nino Cavoto
In a simple yet profound way, Dr. Rossi has touched on the mystery of Love: the Love of God and the Love of neighbor which Jesus revealed as Love intimately connected. He masterfully shares insights into the development of a deeper relationship with the Lord by which the disciple may experience more fully the Love of God and share that love selflessly with others.
-Rev. Fr. Bob Lombardo, CFR
with a foreword by Fr. Thomas Hopko
In order to become a healing presence for others, we must first be healed ourselves—through an active relationship with the great Healer, Christ. Drawing on the teachings of the Fathers and saints of the Church, Dr. Rossi gently points the way toward deepening our love for God and for each other so that others may experience Christ through us.